The Richard the Third Net Ring
Richard the Third was King of England for a mere two years, during which enough happened (or didn't happen) to keep people arguing heatedly for hundreds of years. Despite the amount of written material, though, little on Richard is available on the net beyond the (excellent) sites of the various Richard III societies and branches thereof. This ring aims determinedly to corral the various other Richard III sites scattered about on the web, and thus indirectly contribute to a more widespread awareness of the questions surrounding Richard. Sites dealing at all with Richard the Third are eagerly welcomed; they need not be devoted exclusively to Richard, (although that would be wonderful). However, the following are not acceptable:
Having said all that, I doubt very much that any of these problems will arise and I look forward to seeing your submission.
Below are two possible ring codes for your site. To obtain the actual HTML for the first fragment, simply right-click your mouse (if you're using a PC), click on view source, and scroll down to where it says, BEGINNING OF RICHARD THE THIRD NET RING FRAGMENT; for the second fragment, simply scroll down further till you see those same words again. Once you've copied and pasted the HTML, you will need to change the ***SITE ID*** to 2 or 3 or whatever number you are to join the ring, and then upload the image into your browser, to do which you right-click your mouse again, click "Save Picture As", and then upload from your computer to your server. Important: If the above instructions seem intimidating, confusing, or just plain don't make sense, please hesitate not to email me at and I will explain everything in much more detail and rope in expert advice from other quarters if necessary.
Richard the Third Net Ring